ABOUT: Kristian Gohlke
Portfolio Category:
The classic board game of Go (jap. 囲碁 [igo]) turned into a tangible musical instrument. Commissioned work in close collaboration with Native Instruments for the opening of the Red Bull Studios, Shibuya, Tokyo
Aphrodite - A high precision medical color measurement device
UX-Development on a custom hardware platform for a medical handheld color measurement device
null_e & geo_t
Interaktive, taktile Ausstellungsmedien für die Stadtwerke Bremen AG
FlexiKnobs - Rodent's Redux (M.Sc. Thesis, 2010)
Bridging the Gap Between Mouse Interaction and Hardware Controllers for Interaction with Audio-Software
LEGOTECHNO - A tangible user-interface to make music with LEGO® bricks
Physical Construction Toys for Rapid Sketching of Tangible User Interfaces. An experimental tangible user-interface for live performances.
(don’t) push the button - Workshop zur elektromechanischen Klangformung und Interaktion
Lehrauftrag an der BURG Giebichenstein im Projekt: Unerhörte Töne (greifbar machen) - Gestaltung experimenteller Instrumente und Tonerzeuger
Apparatus & Pleasure - Interaction Beyond Functionality (B.Sc. Thesis, 2007)
A mechanical tea cemeromony as an alternative approach to interaction design that emphasizes pleasure over efficiency